IV Sedation Dentistry

During IV (Intravenous) sedation, an anti-anxiety agent is administered into the bloodstream to achieve a state of "conscious sedation.” Although you will not actually be asleep, you will enjoy a heightened state of relaxation-and probably won’t remember much about the procedure afterwards. Your appointment will be a dream and hours in the chair will feel like minutes.

IV sedation will put you at ease; however, your dentist will also administer a local anesthetic to ensure that you don’t experience any pain. At this point in you’ll be so relaxed that you’ll hardly even notice. Throughout the procedure, your breathing, heart rate and blood pressure will be closely monitored. Patients generally recover quickly, although they may still feel slightly groggy immediately afterwards. IV sedation is extremely safe when delivered by a specially trained dentist or anesthesiologist.

On the day of your procedure, you will need to have another adult with you to take you home. You should not perform strenuous activities, drive a motor vehicle or drink alcohol for the rest of the day. Do not take any medications prior to or following surgery unless your dentist has approved their safety.